Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Crafting in the morning, and a parenting fail!

This morning Harlan was up bright and early at 6am. Fortunately I'd had an early night so I was in full super-mum mode (doesn't happen often!) and got the glue and craft materials out. I'd prepared some pieces of wool and cut out some felt shapes a few days before ready to make a picture of a sheep, but Harlan went on glue strike for a few days. Today he was enjoying sticking so he made a masterpiece, which will be blu-tacked to our art wall once it is dry. He then used some felt off-cuts to do a portrait of his dad. He wanted googly eyes to complete it but we don't have any, so I offered to draw in some eyes in felt tip.


And now to the not-quite-so-super-mum bit. Over the last month or so, Harlan has started playing Mario and Mariokarts on the Wii. He enjoys it, his co-ordination has improved massively, and if I'm honest... it gives me a break. The problem is that it is beginning to cause tantrums, which he is not normally very prone to. 'Normal' occasional tantrums he can be easily distracted from, whereas these are real whoppers! I've had two trains of thought: one - limit time on the Wii and two - let him play it lots and he will get bored. Well the second plan hasn't worked, so time to start limiting it a lot more I think. I'm planning to use the timer on my phone which has been effective previously, and limit him to half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. I know we'll have a few meltdowns over this new rule but I think in the long run it will make things easier. I hope!